Friday, December 27, 2019

Where The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak - 1248 Words

I am analyzing the illustrations of the children’s book ‘Where The Wild Things Are’, Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak, first published in 1963 in the USA by Harper and Rowe. Sendak uses layout in an interesting way throughout the book, which feels cinematic in approach. The first six illustrations gradually increase in size, until the illustration fills a single page. It creates a feeling of the viewer zooming in on the scene. It also carries the idea in the text of a forest, that ‘grew and grew- and grew until the ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around’ (Sendak, 2000,p) When max travels to and from the wild things, we see the illustration stretch onto the left page with the illustration ending with the edge of a tree. This feels like a gateway to and from the fantasty world as all the other pages have straight borders to the images. It signifies a shift in space, reality and time. When Max has tamed the wild things, and he is their king he cries ‘Let the wild rumpus start!’ Which animates the wild things into a jumpy, stomping party-like dance. Just what a frustrated child might need to let off some steam. Sendak captures the energy of this activity using three double pages of illustrations with no text. Animation was a passion of Sendaks. This was one of the important features to develop from the original dummy book 5 years earlier, he wanted to keep a sense of dance quoteeee Where The Wild Things Are is the first in a fantasyShow MoreRelatedWhere The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak2262 Words   |  10 Pages1. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak is an exuberant picture book which will make it a fun and exciting read. The compressed language will guide children easily throughout the book. Sendak promotes a touching message of unconditional love, a message that even if one misbehaves, there will be supper waiting on the table (Max does get sent to his room, but no matter how much he has misbehaved, his mother will always love him and cherish him). Sendak also dives into deeper psychological emotionsRead MoreWhere The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak1221 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"Where the Wild Things Are† is an illustrated story by Maurice Sendak intended for children. This story clearly narrate the targeted audience – the children – the story of Max, a disobedient boy who ran away from home after being scolded vehemently by his mother. Due to Max’s reckless behavior, his mother furiously â€Å"sent him to bed without eating anything† (Sendak 8). After living together with the scary monsters in a place called Where the Wild Things Are, Max decided to return home since he couldRead MoreWhere The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak1014 Words   |  5 PagesMaurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are was published in 1963 and since then, remains a cornerstone of childrenâ⠂¬â„¢s literature. It has remained one of the most popular children’s books and has been described as a â€Å"watershed, ushering in the modern age of pictures books†. With all these accolades, it becomes very easy to view the book through different psychoanalytical and sociological lens and try to force a subliminal message on the story, even if it is less than 350 words. There have been interpretationsRead MoreWhere The Wild Things Are Written And Illustrated By Maurice Sendak1236 Words   |  5 PagesWhere the Wild Things Are written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak, is one of my all-time favorite children’s book because as a little girl, I remember before going to bed and picking out this book for my father to read to me. My father had a wonderful speaking voice that allowed for these characters to come alive in my mind. I could imagine being the protagonist character Max, and sailing off to place full monsters and mystery. There is a part in the middle o f the story called â€Å"The Wild Rumpus†Read More Poor Parenting Techniques Displayed in Maurice Sendaks Where The Wild Things Are3338 Words   |  14 Pages Poor Parenting can cause poorly behaved children Where The Wild Things Are was first published in 1963 and is the first part of a trilogy of award - winning books by American author and illustrator Maurice Sendak. Where The Wild Things Are is haunting and imaginative and describes how a young child, called Max, creates a fictitious fantasy world in order to deal with the terrifying reality of anger. Poor parenting is a lack of parenting techniques and skills in relation to the responsibilitiesRead More Maurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success Essay1301 Words   |  6 PagesMaurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success â€Å"These are difficult times for children. Children have to be brave to survive what the world does to them. And this world is scrungier and rougher and dangerouser than it ever was before†Ã¢â‚¬â€Maurice Sendak Throughout the past fifty years, Maurice Sendak has been a challenging and inventive voice for children’s literature. His work will continue to be entertaining and educational for young children and adults alike for many years to come. SendakRead MoreEssay on Subtle Differences in Where The Wild Things Are1355 Words   |  6 PagesMake Where The Wild Things Are a Classic When one thinks of a childrens picture book, one usually thinks of bright colors and a story that involves a princess and a prince charming. One of the most classic childrens books, Maurice Sendaks Where The Wild Things Are, however, neither uses bright colors nor a traditional love story. Instead the readers meet a young boy, Max, who, when sent to his room without dinner, imagines a far off land. We meet his friends, the wild things, andRead MoreExploring William Moebius Article Introduction to Picture Book Codes and How it Relates to Maurice Sendaks Where the Wild Things Are1199 Words   |  5 Pagesand the right and round, the code of line and capillarity, and the code of colour. Each code speaks of a different aspect of the image and how it relates to psychology behind the implied meaning. These methods come together in Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Each page is filled with evidence supporting William Moebius theories and suggestions. In the code of position, size and diminishing returns, William Moebius talks about how the position of the character on the page relatesRead MoreThe Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak904 Words   |  4 PagesOver the course of Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, Max, the protagonist, displays in many ways that he is influenced by his mother. The story begins with Max misbehaving in a wolf suit and getting punished by her for it. After being sent to his room, his mind conjured a place where he could experience what it’s like to be in control. Max himself is a wild thing, and when he arrives at the island with the other wild things, he wants to understand why he was punished so he tames them.Read MoreAnalysis of a Picture Book--Where the Wild Things Are Essay1307 Words   |  6 PagesANALYSIS OF A PICTURE BOOK WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak Picture books can have a very important role in a classroom, from elementary school through middle and even high school. They offer a valuable literary experience by combining the visual and the text. Maurice Sendak’s Caldecott Award winning book, Where the Wild Things Are, is a wonderful blend of detailed illustrations and text in which a young boy, Max, lets his angry emotions create a fantasy

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pratt And Whitneys Impact On The Military And Commercial...

I will do my research on Pratt and Whitney’s significant contribution to the military and commercial aviation throughout the years. I have always been interested in this great company’s ability to learn develop, evolve and advance their engine manufacturing technological capabilities throughout the years thus, making them a force to recon with in the engine field. My focus will be towards the beginning when they started building simple horizontally opposed engines through the radial engines particularly during nineteen fifties. The wasp and the double wasp capable of producing over 400 and 1300 shaft horsepower respectively for that time period which was unheard of will be discussed. I love aviation and have always marveled at the share†¦show more content†¦These airplanes were equipped with four of these engines and transported passengers in comfort. These engines had better performance, reliability and greater fuel efficiency than any other at that time and won the company the prestigious Collier Trophy award. Everything remained unchanged until 1966 when again the company introduced the JT9D turbofan fan commercial use. Which would later be used in the on the iconic and still the best looking airplane in aviation history the Boeing 747 which opened a completely new era in commercial aviation in 1970. The P W Wasp Junior was produced by the thousands. It was a simple, dependable, easy-to-work-on engine. The accessories were attached to the rear and the constant-speed prop hub to the front. Over the years, there have been many different configurations of radial engines, from three-cylinders to nine cylinders, with the seven and nine cylinder versions preferred. When more power is required, a second engine is bolted at an angle to allow cooling air to reach the second set of cylinders. The famous P W â€Å"corn-cob† engine had four banks of seven-cylinder engines attached to one crankshaft. That’s 28 cylinders, and 56 spark plugs to regularly change. The all-time reigning king of radial engines is built by United Aircraft’s Pratt Whitney Division. The man behind the engine was Frederick Rentschler who had designed a revolutionary radial

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Marketing Communications Stakeholders †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Marketing Communications Stakeholders? Answer: Introduction The advertisement is one of the vital core areas of any business promotion as it delivers the messages reading the product to the public domain (Tham et al. 2017). However, online advertisement or digital advertisement is a most important and popular media in the recent years that have been using rapidly by the business industry to promote their products. This study deals with the digital advertisement in context of McDonald's. However, in Australia the digital advertisement is popular and McDonald's uses this media to promote their products in Australia. As per the research, the Australian people are attached with the social media thus digital advertisement through the online will attract the people to the product of such organization. Examination of the piece of advertisement McDonalds is associated with the digital advertisement through online. However, their main target customers are the young generation and the family in Australia. According to Hurwitz et al. (2017), the digital advertisement is a common way in the recent year that has been done through the use of internet and social media. However, McDonald's' has increased its budget tripled for the digital media in order to increase their sales. Application of digital advertisement makes them more connected brand in Australia. The family and the young generation of the Australia is the target market of McDonalds for their digital advertisement. As commented by HINTZ et al. (2017), application of social media is very common in the young generation. Thus digital advertisement through the social media increase the product promotion of the organization and its also motivate the family members in Australia. McDonald's adopted mobile campaign based on the location of Australia. Through this digital advertisement, McDonald's their late night opening hours that influence the young generation as well as the families in the Australia those are addicted to McDonalds food. It can be said that in Australia digital advertisement is a popular way that has been used by many organizations to enhance their brand image (Watson et al. 2017). You tube campaign is one of the important ways that is used by the McDonald's to ensure their customers about the information of their product in Australia as well as other countries. Through the You Tube application, McDonald's tries o identify that their customers are well informed about their product. For this reason, they provide questionnaire and take the answer from the public. Macca's app is established by McDonald's in order to address the issues regarding food provenance. DDB group in Sydney is associated with such digital campaign to understand the issues of the Australian customers regarding the food product of McDonald's. According to Krijestorac et al. (2017), extensive coverage is a big advantage of digital advertisement through the internet. This makes a unified connection throughout the world that attaches the consumers from different geographical regions with a brand. Over the internet, a wide range of product related information can be put without the geographical and time constraints. McDonald's possesses large information in the customer domain through the digital advertisement. Digital advertisement through the online is a cost effective way and advertisement via social media is a big initiative for the McDonald's to gain the attention of the young generation in Australia. Facebook and Twitter are used by the McDonalds for their digital advertisement in Australia as well as in the global world. According to Hofstetter et al. (2017), online advertisement increases the interest of the candidates for a particular product or brand. Virtual reality and the use of modern technology in the online advertisement increase the effectiveness of the online advertisement. However, digital advertisement through the Facebook and Twitter is applied by the McDonalds in Australia to gain the concentration of the young generation and the families as these social media are rapidly used by the young generation. There are two aspects of the online advertisement one consists the advertising for the target market that is called corporate advertisement. In the context of McDonald's, they use the digital advertisement via online for their target market in order to lead the information of their service or product to their Australian target market. McDonald's focuses on the needs of the Australian family thus they develop Macca's app for this particular target market. As argued by Dixon et al. (2017), digital advertisement via online has both negative and positive aspects. It is well known to all that TV, magazine and newspaper advertisement are associated with the compulsive medium, however, the online advertising is associated with the on-demand advertising process. Advertisement through the newspaper does not need any complete view by the people that save time in comparison to the online advertisement. Digital advertisement via online requires identifying the right target market (Mathur, 2017). However, in the context of McDonald's it often happens that consumer overlooks the advertisement while using social media and become less interested to see the advertisement. Hence, selection of the younger generation as a target market for the digital advertisement is a vital approach for McDonald's to promote their business in Australia. Maccas application is very popular in Australia that is established by the McDonalds as this mobile application will promote their business in the domain of younger customers as well as for their family members. According to Hofstetter et al. (2017), internet advertising is information marketing rather than the impression inducement. Hence, digital advertisement needs more presentation and developed the skill to attract the customers via the online advertisement. One of the biggest challenges of the online advertising is it often misleads the information and influence the consumers negatively towards an organization (Dixon et al. (2017). Personnel requirement of the online marketing is higher than other media (Mathur, 2017). Apart from these issues for the McDonald's digital advertisement via online is a unique approach to attract the young generation and the families in the Australia as it will improve their brand image and increase the brand awareness among their target customers. Conclusion This entire study gives a brief idea over the application of digital advertisement process via online in the context of McDonald's. However, this online advertisement is based on the nature of the Australian target market. For the McDonald's the target market is younger generation as well as their family members. However, development of Macca's app is based on the demand of such target market as it enables this organization to understand their customer's issues regarding their products. References Dixon, H., Niven, P., Scully, M. and Wakefield, M., 2017. Food marketing with movie character toys: Effects on young children's preferences for unhealthy and healthier fast food meals.Appetite,117, pp.342-350. HINTZ, J., FORTNER, M., Solomon, A., McNamara, C. and THEOPHILIS, M., Viacom International, Inc., 2017.Integration of a Video Player Pushdown Advertising Unit and Digital Media Content. U.S. Patent Application 15/415,096. Hofstetter, R., Aryobsei, S. and Herrmann, A., 2017. Should You Really Produce What Consumers Like Online? Empirical Evidence for Reciprocal Voting in Open Innovation Contests.Journal of Product Innovation Management. Hurwitz, L.B., Montague, H. and Wartella, E., 2017. Food Marketing to Children Online: A Content Analysis of Food Company Websites.Health communication,32(3), pp.366-371. Krijestorac, H., Garg, R., Mahajan, V. and Ter Hofstede, F., 2017. Cross-Platform Spillover Effects in Consumption of Rich Digital Media. Mathur, S., 2017. Glocalization in Fast Food Chains Glocalization in Fast Food Chains: A Case Study of McDonalds. InStrategic Marketing Management and Tactics in the Service Industry(pp. 330-347). IGI Global. Tham, S.M., Rodgers, S. and Thorson, E., 2017. Trends and Opportunities for Digital Advertising Research.Digital Advertising: Theory and Research, p.31. Watson, W.L., Lau, V., Wellard, L., Hughes, C. and Chapman, K., 2017. Advertising to children initiatives have not reduced unhealthy food advertising on Australian television.Journal of Public Health, pp.1-6.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Rajaraja cholan free essay sample

Who is this Raja Raja Cholan (more precisely, Raja Raja Cholan-I)? Readers who are fans of the popular Tamil novelist Kalki may be familiar with his historical novel â€Å"Ponniyin Selvan†. That novel is woven around the life of Raja Raja Cholan, also known an Arunmoli. Of course, much of the novel and many of the characters in it are fiction although that fiction is wrapped around historical events. What we present in this section are historical facts taken from such authoritative works as Dr. M. Rajamanickam’s â€Å"Cholar Varalaru†, Nilakanta Sastri’s â€Å"The Cholas† and T. V. Sadasiva Pandarathar’s â€Å"History of the Later Cholas†. Raja Rajan reigned between 985 AD and 1014 AD. It can be rightly said that the Second Golden Age of Tamil Nadu started with his reign and continued for another two centuries. (The First Golden Age of Tamil Nadu in known Tamil history was in the days of the Third Tamil Academy (Third Tamil Sangam)). We will write a custom essay sample on Rajaraja cholan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He built one of the most glorious empires of South Asia that peaked during the regin of his son Rajendra Cholan – I and continued for another 200 years or so under his sons, grandsons and great grandsons. He was not only a great warrior king in the tradition of Cheran Senguttuvan, Cholan Karikalan and Pandian Nedunchezhian, he was also an able administrator, a patron of the arts and a devote Saivaite Hindu. During that period, Sinhala kings from Ilankai (now known as Sri Lanka and Ceylon) had the habit of interfering in Tamil Nadu by allying with one Tamil king against another, usually allying with Cheras or Pandias against the Cholas. (Of course, the blame should rightly be put on those Tamil kings who invited foreign interference and not on the Sinhala kings who made use of the opportunity. ) So, after decisively defeating the Cheras and Pandias, Raja Rajan Cholan turned his attention to the Sinhalese King Mahinda-V. He assembled a naval armada and sent it to Sri Lanka. The Chola Navy defeated King Mahinda. After the military victory Raja Rajan built a Hindu temple there in Polonnaruva. Having defeated the enemy in the south, he moved north. The Chola army under the command of Crown Prince Rajendran marched north, all the way up to what is now Bijapur. The army defeated all who opposed its march north, including the powerful army of Chalukya Emperor Satyasraya who ruled the Deccans. As noted before, Raja Rajan’s legacy is not just wars and conquests. He is remembered today primarily for the construction of the Tanjore Big Temple (Thanjavur Peria Koil). The temple is also called â€Å"Rajarajeswaram† after him. This Saivaite Hindu temple is one of the most beautiful and magnificent architectural monuments in South Asia. The magnificent tower and the delicate sculptures are truly a feast for the eyes. Not only Hindus from all over the world, but also tourists from around the world visit this temple. Though Raja Rajan was a devote Saivaite Hindu, he respected other religions. He built Vishnu temples in Mysore after he conquered the region. He not only permitted Silendra Emperor Srimara Vijayottunga Varman to build the Buddhist shrine Chudamanivihara in Tamil Nadu at Nagapattinam, he also contributed money for its construction. Many arts – sculpture, painting, drama, dance and music – flourished during his time. He conduccted a survey of his kingdom and is considered a major achievement of that time. He divided the kingdom into a number of administrative units and appointed administrative officers for each unit. Villages were governed by local elders (a type of self-government). According to Dr. M. Rajamanickam, Raja Rajan’s administrative structure is comparable to modern administrative structure seen around the world. Raja Raja Cholan is truly one of the greatest rulers in Tamil history. This is in fact the reason why Hindi politicians who dominate and control the Indian Government refuse permission to install his statue within the outside walls of Thanjai Big Temple that he built. Let me elaborate. 3. The Reason Why? Why do the Hindi politicians who control the Indian Government refuse permission to install Emperor Raja Raja Cholan’s statue within the outer walls of the Thanjai Big Temple? Many thousands of Hindu devotees and tourists from around the world visit the Thanjai Big Temple. If Raja Rajan’s statue is installed on the temple grounds for all to see, they may ask the others and tour guides about him and will come to know of his conquests, his majesty and the glorious days of the Second Golden Age of Tamil Nadu. The Hindian controlled Indian Government does not want people to know about this glorious past and the great kings of Tamil Nadu who are second to none. Hindian politicians and elite want people to think that all the glorious past of Indian history is centered on the Hindi heartland of today. They want to hide and put under a blanket all other histories, be it that of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bengal, Karnataka, Kerala or Tamil Nadu, for example. Read the history books used at schools under the jurisdiction of the Indian Government (Central Schools and schools accredited under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)). You will read in detail about the kings and emperors who ruled from what is today the Hindi heartland, for example, Chandra Guptan, Ashokan, Akbar, et al. But you will not read anything about the Tamil kings or the Bengali kings or the Assamese kings, etc. In the Indian history according to Hindians, these lands do not have a glorious history worth mentioning although, in truth, every one of these nations has a rich past. Refusal to grant permission to install the statue of one of the greatest emperors of South Asia on the grounds of the temple he built is just another attempt by the Hindian politicians to hide the glorious past of the Tamil people. (NOTE: Emperor Raja Raja Cholan is not the only one whose history the Indian Government wants to hide. About two decades ago, the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi tried to distort the history of Emperor Rajendra Cholan’s conquest of the Ganges Plains (today’s Hindi land). I published an article about it in the Tamil magazine â€Å"Thamizh Nilam† a decade ago. )

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

7 derechos de los indocumentados si son arrestados

7 derechos de los indocumentados si son arrestados Si eres uno de los 11 millones de indocumentados que viven en los Estados Unidos, estos son tus derechos en los casos de arresto o si la Policà ­a te para en la calle o te ordena parar mientras manejas un auto. Derechos de los indocumentados La policà ­a no puede entrar en una vivienda sin que tenga orden judicial (warrant). La excepcià ³n es si tiene motivos fundados de que se est cometiendo un delito (atacando a una persona, traficando con drogas, etc.). Si la policà ­a llama a la puerta, pedir el warrant muy educadamente y sin perder los nervios. Si no la tienen sà ³lo pueden ingresar si se les da permiso, pero se les puede decir que no. Si la policà ­a para a un inmigrante en la calle o cuando est manejando o en el trabajo recordar que se tiene el derecho a permanecer en silencio. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son algunos estados en los que se est obligado a decir el nombre. Verifica si resides en uno de esos estados. Si es asà ­, se dice. Si la policà ­a lo para a uno se le puede preguntar si se puede ir (free to leave, en inglà ©s). Si la respuesta es afirmativa (hay que oà ­r el yes), se puede ir, pero sin movimientos bruscos. Nunca perder la calma (aunque por dentro se està © muy nervioso). Si se es arrestado se tiene el derecho a pedir hablar con un abogado. Es muy conveniente cargar siempre con el nombre y el nà ºmero de telà ©fono de un abogado de inmigracià ³n con buena reputacià ³n (o incluso ms de uno, por si no contesta o no puede hacerse cargo del caso). Si se est como indocumentado en Estados Unidos no cargar con documentos como el pasaporte u otros como la matrà ­cula consular que puedan probar que se est ilegalmente en el paà ­s. Si se tienen se guardan en un lugar seguro, pero no se les lleva con uno. La razà ³n de lo anterior es que para que el gobierno pueda deportar a una persona es necesario que pruebe que est aquà ­ ilegalmente (o que ha hecho algo que amerita la deportacià ³n). Si no se dice nada, si no hay rà ©cords de ninguna clase entonces tiene difà ­cil probar su caso. Lo ms aconsejable es no hablar ni mostrar documentos y esperar por el abogado. Si se est ilegalmente en el paà ­s y se tienen personas dependientes como por ejemplo hijos menores, tomar la precaucià ³n de hablar con personas de confianza quià ©n debe hacerse cargo de ellos, cules son las instrucciones, cà ³mo acceder al dinero ahorrado para gastos, etc. Es incluso muy conveniente hacer un escrito ante notario. Jams firmar algo que no se entiende. Esto puede ser porque est en inglà ©s y sà ³lo se habla espaà ±ol o porque no se acaba de entender las consecuencias del documento que se le pone delante. Tampoco firmar ningà ºn papel si no se est de acuerdo con lo que dice, aunque se entienda. En estos casos esperar por el abogado. Una vez que se firma es muy difà ­cil dar marcha atrs. NO importa lo mucho que insistan. Si no se quiere firmar o no se entiende, no se firma. Muy importante Jams dar o enseà ±ar a la Policà ­a un documento falso. Jams decir que se es ciudadano americano si es una mentira. Esto es muy grave. Permanece callado, si asà ­ se desea. Pero no mentir, si se habla. Si la policà ­a lo para a uno, permanecer siempre en calma. Jams mostrarse violento, muy nervioso, hacer movimientos extraà ±os o salir huyendo, esto à ºltimo es considerado como una violacià ³n migratoria que amerita la deportacià ³n. Saber que existen en las carreteras retenes migratorios internos en algunas partes del paà ­s. A tener en cuenta De los estimados 11 millones de indocumentados presentes en Estados Unidos, aproximadamente menos de cinco podrn beneficiarse de las medidas anunciadas por el presidente Obama que les protege frente a la deportacià ³n. Si crees que puedes calificar para esas medidas, infà ³rmate con abogados u organizaciones de apoyo a inmigrantes que sean reputados. Evita ser và ­ctima de un fraude migratorio y considera reportar los casos que sepas. No  pagues a personas que ofrecen cosas que simplemente no existen o que cobran por sus gestiones cantidades completamente desorbitadas. Y ten presente que por ahora DAPA y DACA extendido no se estn aplicando. Y si recibes una carta para presentarte en Corte es el momento de buscar abogado. Tener presente que puede haber una demora grande en los casos en las Cortes migratorias. De interà ©s En algunos estados, como por ejemplo Nueva York o California, algunos indocumentados podrà ­an ser considerados PRUCOL. En estos casos, tendrà ­an derecho a algunos beneficios sociales de los que generalmente los indocumentados estn excluidos. Y es que hay importantes diferencias entre estados en lo que afecta a indocumentados: unos son muy estrictos y otros han pasado medidas para hacerles la vida un poco menos difà ­cil. Finalmente, la presidencia de Donald Trump est teniendo un  gran impacto en las comunidades migrantes. Esos son 9 asuntos migratorios sobre los que ya se ha pronunciado y conviene estar familiarizados. Adems, conviene saber cules son las 7 nuevas prioridades de deportacià ³n, segà ºn orden ejecutiva de enero de 2017. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Australia Bushfire essays

Australia Bushfire essays Australia is the world's driest continent, and drought and bushfires are regular occurrences that, sadly, are a natural part of Australia's weather cycle. Australia has a history of severe bushfires. Such tragedies as the Ash Wednesday fires of February 1983 (71 deaths in Victoria and South Australia), the Tasmanian fires of February 1967 (62 lives, more than 1400 houses and buildings lost) and the New South Wales bushfires of 1994, place bushfires high on the list of Australia's natural disasters. But for now lets look at the huge bushfire occurred in 16th February 1983 (Ash Wednesday Bushfires). It was April 1982 to January 1983 in Victoria; the weather condition through these days was severe drought conditions and little rainfall, resulting in its driest period on record. A combination of dry grasslands and forests, very hot temperatures, low humidity and high wind gusts presented Victoria with a high bushfire risk. The temperature was 43 degrees Celsius on Ash Wednesday (16 February 1983), which caused huge bushfires that damaged/destroyed 2545 Building/house and huge amount of trees throughout the regions in Victoria. Also lots of lives got lost from fire. 75 (15 lives lost from firefighter) in total lives from fires, (47 lives in Victoria and 28 in South Australia) and there were hundreds of people injured due to their skin burnt. There were many other causes for fires including, clashing of electric power lines, tree branches connecting with power lines, fires being deliberately lit, and of course the weather. The fire started in Victoria at Cudgee and Branxholme and then the fire also started around Mount Macedon, Dandenong Range Cockatoo, Upper Beaconsfield and Belgrave Heights, Monivae, Branxholme, Warburton and in the Otways. The Fires were so big that it also spread around South Australia through Adelaide Hills and in farming country in the south east of the state. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exam practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exam practice - Assignment Example Customers prefer inexpensive, slower performance and give a higher score to sensors in the 7 years range. The company should supply this market with cheap and well proofed products. The forecast sales are about $14500 with a capacity number of 7% High end segment: the customers seek cutting edge technology and new designs. Its age is 0 years, price of about $36 with a performance of 8.9 and market size 11.1. The customers at this segment demand cutting edge sensors with high performance and small size and give high scores to newer sensors. The company should therefore supply the market with high performance, small size and newer sensors to satisfy them. The forecast sales are $22500 with capacity number of 9%. Performance segment: they seek high reliable and cutting edge performance technology. It has an age of 1 year, performance 9.4, size 16.0 and price of about $27. Customers emphasize on performance and a 1 year range. The company should supply with sensors of high performance and of at least one year range. The forecast sales are about $16000 with a capacity number of 8% Size segment: customers seek cutting edge size technology and young designers. Performance is 4.0, size 10.6, and age 1.5 years. Customers look at size than performance and over 1.5 years range. The company should supply large size and young designs to the segment. The forecast sales are about $18500 with a capacity number of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Star project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Star project - Research Paper Example Its projected Galactic orbit conveys it between 25,100 and 30,600 light years from the middle of the Galaxy. Historically, the entire heavenly bodies were regarded as stars by astrologers. Therefore, the terminology ‘stars’ comprised of stars, planets, comets, meteors among others. However, as time went by, astrologers were able to differentiate stars from the rest of heavenly bodies. Of particular interest are the Stars of the Northern Hemisphere. These stars show three major panels of all the constellations that can be observed from Europe, Canada, the United States and Asia. Humanity tends to identify with the stars with each individual having an interest with a peculiar star. The process of choosing a star has been lengthy and time consuming due to the interest in the topic. Each star seems to portray some unique history which is amazing and interesting, most stars have some distinct features and fantastic history; each of them is of equal importance. Amongst the stars whish have been of key interest to persons are proper, Bayer, Flamsteed and Catalog. However, I have per sonally developed a liking for star Mintaka which I closely attribute it to my individuality. Therefore, this research paper will focus on this particular star , giving a detailed description of its characteristics. Mintaka is a star in the constellation Orion, with a bayer designation of Delta Orionis and flamsteed designation of 34 Orionis. Three stars are found in the orion to form the ‘the belt of orion’. The three stars in the belt of orion are the following, mintaka which means ‘belt’, Alnilam meaning ‘a belt of pearls’ and Alnitak which means girdle. The three are believed to have formed from the system nebulas in the Orion constellation. The stars form a row, mintaka is to the west, alnilam is at the centre and alnitak is to the east. Among the three, alnilam is the brightest followed by mintaka and finally alnitak (Ashland Astronomy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Solution to Ownership for the Condominium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Solution to Ownership for the Condominium - Essay Example One resident, a 68 year old woman named Lillian Williams was reported to have expressed her concern for the molds in the next door unit that already contaminated and ruined her personal belongings.The root cause for the problem could be pinpointed to change in ownership for the condominium. The report by Tracy dated April 11, 2011 revealed that buyers for units in the condominium were attracted to purchase under â€Å"a complicated reverse-mortgage deal backed by the federal government† (Tracy, par. 10). Further, it was stated that â€Å"the former owner of Catalina Isles, Angel Lage of South Florida, has said he has no responsibility for the place because he does not have a financial stake in it anymore. The complex is owned by a homeowners association that relies on maintenance fees and rent for income† (Tracy, par. 11). As there have been a number of units that were vacant, the homeowners association could not afford to regularly maintain the place.With the problems identified, the possible alternative course of action should be taken from the perspectives of the local agency that governs community housing problems, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and from the points of views of the residents of the condominium. Since the local inspectors at Orlando have verified the conditions of the units, those units that were found to have violated the codes for housing could be condemned and residents could be forced to be evicted.From the points of views of the residents.... Since the local inspectors at Orlando have verified the conditions of the units, those units that were found to have violated the codes for housing could be condemned and residents could be forced to be evicted. From the points of views of the residents, they can already opt to vacate the place, especially those beyond repair and seek a reverse mortgage program from the HUD. According to the official website of HUD, a reverse mortgage is â€Å"a special type of home loan that lets you convert a portion of the equity in your home into cash. The equity that built up over years of home mortgage payments can be paid to you† (par. 2). The advantage of this option is that the residents would not be subjected to hazards of living in that dire condition. The disadvantages, however, are the need to look for another place to live in, and the hustles of applying for the reverse mortgage with HUD. Further, the reverse mortgage option is only available to homeowners who are 62 years of age or older. Another option for the residents, especially of those units that are still repairable, they should shoulder the costs of maintenance and repair themselves. The advantage of this option is that they would not need for another residential place taking time, money and effort to do so. However, they should contend with the costs of repair and maintenance of the units they occupy. An Orlando tax payer expressed his views on the matter saying that â€Å"unfortunately, the real losers are the American taxpayers. Why doesn't Lillian Williams just fix and maintain her condo? When my roof leaks, I don't call the news, I just fix it. Where in the constitution does it say that I have to pay for Lillian Williams to fix her dang home? Why should I have to pay to fix

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Triad Of Impairments In Asd Psychology Essay

The Triad Of Impairments In Asd Psychology Essay Having aspirations to become an educational psychologist, I have always held a strong interest in clinical conditions such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and how they can affect a persons behaviours. This interest has been further fuelled by my nephew having been recently diagnosed with high functioning ASD. Whilst I am familiar with the behavioural aspects of this disorder I lack knowledge on the neurological explanations. I wish to change this to increase my understanding of ASD in order to be better equipped to offer my nephew and others with ASD the best possible support. Introduction The complexity of Autistic Spectrum Disorders is partially due to the fact that, until recently, there were no clear biological functions which corresponded with the syndrome. Scientific developments in brain imaging in recent years, however, have enabled psychologists to begin to research ASD from a neurological perspective, meaning that the symptoms of ASD are beginning to be understood more clearly as an expression of a neural disorder (Just et al, 2012). According to the DSM-IV a person can be diagnosed with ASD when they exhibit symptoms under the following three primary criteria: Qualitative impairment in social interaction Qualitative impairment in communication Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interests and activities. The above symptoms are often referred to as a triad of impairments. However, in the proposed DSM-V there is the possibility that the social and communication impairments will be combined and that in the future the definition will form a dyad of impairments instead (Pina-Camacho et al, 2011) . At the time of writing, however, a triad of impairments still exists. This essay is focusing not on the general differences between the brains of typically developing (TD) humans and humans with ASD, but on the neurological explanations for the most prominent behavioural symptoms of ASD. Accordingly the triad of impairments will be taken, one by one, and possible neurological explanations will be explored. Qualitative impairment in social interaction Much of the neurological research on ASD focuses on this impairment following the pattern of behavioural research on ASD. Indeed, one of the most prominent theories of ASD, the Theory of Mind (Baron-Cohen, 1985), focuses almost entirely on the social deficits, arguing that people with ASD struggle with mentalising; they lack social insight and are unable to perceive the world from another persons viewpoint. From a neurological standing, however, it is not enough to assume that people with ASD do not have a Theory of Mind; instead, we must understand biologically why this may be so. Brothers (1990) conducted a variety of studies, both with humans and other primates, and proposed that primates alone have social cognition they are able to perceive psychological facts about others. Through the examination of evolutionary studies, as well as the study of clinical conditions which can affect social cognition, Brothers proposed a neural network of regions in the brain, which, combined create the social brain: Superior temporal sulcus (STS) plays an important role in social perception and is implicated in the processing of many types of sensory information which are relevant to social interaction, e.g. selective sensitivity to vocal and speech sounds rather than to non-vocal sounds and the processing of the motions of hands, face, eyes, and body, especially if the motions relate to emotion in some way (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Fusiform gyrus (FG) region is thought to display a selective response to human faces and is often referred to as the fusiform face area (FFA) (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Prefrontal cortex (PFC) a subdivision of the PFC is the ventromedial PFC, a region including the orbital frontal cortex and the ventral part of the anterior cingulate cortex areas implicated in motivation, reward, and emotion processing, and planning for the future. This region also has extensive connections with the amygdala (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Amygdala involved in processing emotions, empathy, perspective taking and social judgements (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Figure A A diagram of the regions of the brain thought to comprise the social brain. Data retrieved from: It seems highly probable that damage to a region in the social brain is likely to cause some visible social deficit. Thus, ASD may be explained, to a certain extent, through abnormalities in these regions when compared to TD humans. Various studies support this idea; the amygdala theory of autism, for example, proposes that there is an amygdala impairment in people with autism, which can help to explain the deficits in their social behaviour (Baron-Cohen, 2000). Given that the amygdala is strongly associated with emotion along with other social functions, irregularity in this region could well contribute to the lack of social insight so often noted in people with ASD. In an earlier study, Baron-Cohen et al (1999) conducted an fMRI study comparing TD subjects with patients with high-functioning ASD or Asperger Syndrome (AS) on a mentalising task whereby participants were asked to judge from a photograph of another persons eyes what emotion that person was feeling. They found that when TD participants were attributing emotional states to the photographs, there was increased activation in their STGs and amygdalas areas associated with social perception and emotion. The ASD and AS group, however, did not show increased activation in the amygdala. Other research suggested that as well as decreased amygdala activity, people with ASD tend to process faces differently to TD people, using the right inferior temporal gyri (ITG) an area more commonly associated with processing objects, rather than the FFA (Schultz et al, 2000). Research by Pierce et al (2001) also found that there was either weak or no activity in the FFA and the amygdala in response to the human face in autistic patients but found no evidence to suggest that they used the ITG as an alternative. The differences in the results of Pierce and Schultz may be due to their samples, with Schultz using a sample including participants with autism and AS and Pierce using a sample only of participants with autism. Caution is urged when placing too much emphasis on the FGs association with faces as previous research has suggested that this region may not be face specific but may be activated when objects increase in familiarity (Gauthier et al, 1999). Fletcher et al (1995) used PET scans to compare brain activity in normal volunteers when reading Theory of Mind stories, physical stories and unlinked sentences. When activity during the Theory of Mind stories was compared with the others, the authors discovered significant activation in the left side of the medial frontal gyrus and in the posterior cingulate cortex regions in the prefrontal cortex suggesting that these regions are specifically activated when a person is mentalising. Furthermore, Castelli et al (2002) used PET scans on ten able adults with ASD or Asperger Syndrome (AS) whilst they watched a variety of animated sequences, and were asked to attribute mental states to the animations based upon what they had seen. The TD group showed increased activation in their medial prefrontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus and temporal poles, areas associated with social cognition, as described above. The autism group, however, showed less activation than the normal group in all of these regions. Qualitative impairments in communication Symptoms in this impairment range from a total lack of development of spoken language, to a person having adequate speech but being unable to use it in conversation with others, to stereotyped and repetitive use of language (DSM-IV) making it difficult to explain the impairment as a whole. There is also less literature in general on trying to explain the communication deficit in ASD than there is on trying to explain the social deficit. This may be because aspects of the communication deficit are not applicable to people with AS or high-functioning ASD whereas the social deficit is central to all ASDs. Within the left hemisphere of the brain are two areas that govern the understanding and production of speech: Brocas area and Wernickes area. Brocas area is in the frontal lobe and is primarily involved in the production of speech; Wernickes area is in the temporal lobe and is mainly involved with speech comprehension (Passer et al, 2009). Also in the left hemisphere of the brain is the primary auditory cortex an area associated with hearing and thus also largely involved in language production and comprehension (Passer et al, 2009). One possible explanation for a lack of language development is therefore likely to involve damage or irregularities in the left hemisphere of the brain and more specifically in the above areas. Boddaert et al (2004) used PET scans to compare the brain activity of eleven autistic children with six non-autistic mentally retarded children while they were listening to speech-like sounds. They found that there was less activation in speech-related areas, including Wernickes area, in autistic children. In previous work with autistic adults (Boddaert et al, 2004) they had found abnormal right frontotemporal activity but this was not found with the children. Research by Eyler et al (2012) measured the brain activity of forty toddlers with ASD and 40 TD toddlers during the presentation of a bedtime story. Their results showed that a region of the left STG, an area which includes both Brocas and Wernickes area, was significantly less responsive to speech stimuli in the group with ASD than in t he TD group. The TD toddlers showed dominance in the left hemisphere of the brain, as one might expect, given the association between the left hemisphere and language. Contrary to the Boddaert et al study, Eyler et al did find that toddlers with ASD however displayed stronger activation on the right anterior portion of the STG rather than the left. The differences in the results of the groups may be that the sample in the Boddaert et al study was significantly smaller than the sample used by Eyler et al, with only 11 autistic participants compared to 40. Eyler et al propose that the right STG may be trying to compensate for the incompetent processing of the left STG but that by doing so the development of social communication and language abilities is being lost, thus providing an explanation for not only language delay but also ineffective communication in people with ASD. Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interest and activities There are very few neurological studies focusing on this aspect of ASD. An fMRI study by Shafritz et al (2008) on repetitive behaviour in ASD showed that the severity of restricted, repetitive behaviours was negatively correlated with activation in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and posterior parietal regions areas associated with attention, motivation and error detection (Neuhaus et al. 2010). Research by Thakkar et al (2008) supports this finding. Through an experiment on response monitoring they found functional and structural abnormalities in the ACC in ASD participants and suggested that this may cause rigid and repetitive, rather than responsive and flexible behaviour. As the cerebellum is concerned primarily with muscular movement co-ordination but also plays a role in learning and memory (Passer et al, 2009), Pierce and Courchesne (2001) examined the possibility of a link between cerebellar abnormality and exploration in autism. They held an experiment where 14 autistic chi ldren and 14 TD children were in a large room with several exploration containers and encouraged to play. The results showed that children with autism spent significantly less time in active exploration and were more likely to engage in repetitive movements than TD children. They found that the more abnormal the cerebellar vermis, an area in the medial cerebellum (Passer et al, 2009) the less time spent in exploring a new environment. Conclusion Much more literature exists examining the neurological explanations of social impairments in ASD than in the other two impairments. A vast amount of evidence exists associating the social deficits in ASD with irregularities in various regions of the social brain; the superior temporal sulcus, the fusiform gyrus, the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. A lack of activity in the left hemisphere of the brain is likely to contribute to the communication impairment visible in AS. There is very little literature on the restricted behaviour impairment but recent work has proposed a possible association between cerebellar abnormality and exploration and between the ACC and repetitive behaviour. Further work is needed in all three areas ideally work could be conducted that could help to explain all three impairments rather than focusing on a single one.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Heart of Darkness Significance Essay

1971. The significance of a title such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is so easy to discover. However, in other works (for example, Measure for Measure) the full significance of the title becomes apparent to the reader only gradually. Choose two works and show how the significance of their respective titles is developed through the authors’ use of devices such as contrast, repetition, allusion, and point of view. 1976. The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is the recurring theme of many novels, plays, and essays. Select the work of an essayist who is in opposition to his or her society; or from a work of recognized literary merit, select a fictional character who is in opposition to his or her society. In a critical essay, analyze the conflict and discuss the moral and ethical implications for both the individual and the society. Do not summarize the plot or action of the work you choose. 1991. Many plays and novels use contrasting places (for example, two countries, two cities or towns, two houses, or the land and the sea) to represent opposed forces or ideas that are central to the meaning of the work. Choose a novel or play that contrasts two such places. Write an essay explaining how the places differ, what each place represents, and how their contrast contributes to the meaning of the work. 1994. In some works of literature, a character who appears briefly, or does not appear at all, is a significant presence. Choose a novel or play of literary merit and write an essay in which you show how such a character functions in the work. You may wish to discuss how the character affects action, theme, or the development of other characters. Avoid plot summary. 1996. The British novelist Fay Weldon offers this observation about happy endings. â€Å"The writers, I do believe, who get the best and most lasting response from their readers are the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development. By a happy ending, I do not mean mere fortunate events — a marriage or a last minute rescue from death — but some kind of spiritual reassessment or moral reconciliation, even with the self, even at death.† Choose a novel or play that has the kind of ending Weldon describes. In a well-written essay, identify the â€Å"spiritual reassessment or moral reconciliation† evident in the ending and explain its significance in the work as a whole. 1999. The eighteenth-century British novelist Laurence Sterne wrote, â€Å"No body, but he who has felt it, can conceive what a plaguing thing it is to have a man’s mind torn asunder by two projects of equal strength, both obstinately pulling in a contrary direction at the same time.† From a novel or play choose a character (not necessarily the protagonist) whose mind is pulled in conflicting directions by two compelling desires, ambitions, obligations, or influences. Then, in a well-organized essay, identify each of the two conflicting forces and explain how this conflict with one character illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. You may use one of the novels or plays listed below or another novel or work of similar literary quality. 2000. Many works of literature not readily identified with the mystery or detective story genre nonetheless involve the investigation of a mystery. In these works, the solution to the mystery may be less important than the knowledge gained in the process of its investigation. Choose a novel or play in which one or more of the characters confront a mystery. Then write an essay in which you identify the mystery and explain how the investigation illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. 2001. One definition of madness is â€Å"mental delusion or the eccentric behavior arising from it.† But Emily Dickinson wrote Much madness is divinest Sense- To a discerning Eye- Novelists and playwrights have often seen madness with a â€Å"discerning Eye.† Select a novel or play in which a character’s apparent madness or irrational behavior plays an important role. Then write a well-organized essay in which you explain what this delusion or eccentric behavior consists of and how it might be judged reasonable. Explain the significance of the â€Å"madness† to the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. 2002. Morally ambiguous characters — characters whose behavior discourages readers from identifying them as purely evil or purely good — are at the heart of many works of literature. Choose a novel or play in which a morally ambiguous character plays a pivotal role. Then write an essay in which you explain how the character can be viewed as morally ambiguous and why his or her moral ambiguity is significant to the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. 2002, Form B. Often in literature, a character’s succ ess in achieving goals depends on keeping a secret and divulging it only at the right moment, if at all. Choose a novel or play of literary merit that requires a character to keep a secret. In a well-organized essay, briefly explain the necessity for secrecy and how the character’s choice to reveal or keep the secret affects the plot and contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. You may select a work from the list below, or you may choose another work of recognized literary merit suitable to the topic. Do NOT write about a short story, poem, or film. 2003. According to critic Northrop Frye, â€Å"Tragic heroes are so much the highest points in their human landscape that they seem the inevitable conductors of the power about them, great trees more likely to be struck by lightning than a clump of grass. Conductors may of course be instruments as well as victims of the divisive lightning.† Select a novel or play in which a tragic figure functions as an instrument of the suffering of others. Then write an essay in which you explain how the suffering brought upon others by that figure contributes to the tragic vision of the work as a whole. 2003, Form B. Novels and plays often depict characters caught between colliding cultures — national, regional, ethnic, religious, institutional. Such collisions can call a character’s sense of identity into question. Select a novel or play in which a character responds to such a cultural collison. Then write a well-organized essay in which you describe the character’s response and explain its relevance to the work as a whole. 2004. Critic Roland Barthes has said, â€Å"Literature is the question minus the answer.† Choose a novel, or play, and, considering Barthes’ observation, write an essay in which you analyze a central question the work raises and the extent to which it offers answers. Explain how the author’s treatment of this question affects your understanding of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary. 2004, Form B. The most important themes in literature are sometimes developed in scenes in which a death or deaths take place. Choose a novel or play and write a well-organized essay in which you show how a specific death scene helps to illuminate the meaning of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Learner Record- School Age Childcare Essay

School-Age Childcare Thematic Working Group (SACTWG) defines School Age Childcare (SAC) as: â€Å"School-Age Childcare / Out-of-school services refer to a range of organized age-appropriate structured programs, clubs and activities for school-age children and young people (4-18) which takes place within supervised environments during the times that they are not in school†. â€Å"School age childcare services are by definition about the care of children when their parents are absent. Caring mean taking responsibility for children’s physical, emotional and developmental well-being. School age childcare services play an important role in the lives of the children who use them. It is essential that they meet children’s needs during the time they are used. This entails providing a setting where children feel they belong and where staff relate to them on an individual level as well as collectively.† These settings include: center-based, school-based, and other formal before- and after-school arrangements for children, as well as summer programming. Elements of School Age Childcare Setting: School age programs have the potential to play a positive and proactive role in developing social, personal and interpersonal skills. The out-of-school setting can nurture academic success, offer opportunities for physical activity, develop creative artistic expression and a wide range of associated skills in a happy and caring environment. The key elements which contribute to the delivery of a quality school age childcare service. These include; The activity program The importance of play The physical environment The regulation of school age childcare Training for the sector Relationships between providers of school age childcare, the client children, their parents and on occasion the schools. Children like to feel they belong. As they grow to understand themselves both as individuals and in relation to others, they look for signs of acceptance and acknowledgement from their peers and the adults around them. Children need to experience a  sense of belonging, and to be aware that their own actions can promote either a sense of belonging or exclusion for others. The school age setting offers endless opportunities to nurture a sense of self-acceptance and belonging for the child. Characteristics of children attending the services: Enjoy playing games. Like to make and keep friends. Enjoys learning new things. Great intellectual curiosity, wanting to know everything about everything — objects, ideas, situations, or events. Learn quickly and with less practice and repetition. Concerned about fairness and injustice — very aware of rights and wrongs. Read rapidly and widely, after learning to read. Absorb information rapidly – often described as being like sponges. Can use materials, words or ideas in new ways. Need time and space to explore ideas, develop interests. Can concentrate for long periods of time on activities that interest them. More eager to learn, more curious, more enthusiastic, and imaginative. They need routine and consistency from adults in their lives. Discovering things and inventing are favorite kinds of activities. Have lots of energy. Like physical challenges. Need to feel that adults are in control. Need good emotional support. Their parents are still the most important persons in their lives. How School Age Childcare Setting can cater: A School Age Childcare setting requires a warm, welcoming and challenging environment where the child can feel comfortable, accepted and at home and, most importantly, can exercise choice in the daily routine. The needs of Children which include free play, team tasks or peers bonding are very important when considering the services curriculum. Provide activities that are flexible and based on the children’s choices and interests. Introduce variety in the program of activity, with a range of options and differences each day. Ensure the availability of free play and time for children to be on their own Casual play with and without equipment and team games with  rules encourage children to learn to negotiate with each other. The service must be culturally and socially inclusive to all children attending. The service should support a healthy-eating and healthy-lifestyle policy. Children should be encouraged to assess risk and identify safety issues themselves, where appropriate. Allow children to assist in curriculum preparation, social, emotional and development learning and academic learning if applicable. It should have a range of rooms or areas to facilitate more than one activity by a child or group of children at a time. It should provide adequate open internal space to facilitate more physical activities including sports and drama, where appropriate. It should provide a quiet area for reading, table based activities and homework. Encourage choice and self-confidence. The school age childcare service should plan and provide a range of play opportunities and activities to support children’s social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional capabilities. While adopting a positive attitude to Irish language and culture, the School Age Childcare Service must also commit to meet the needs of children coming from different language and cultural backgrounds and of children with special needs and differing abilities.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Valcanoes essays

Valcanoes essays The distructive power of a valcano is one of the most violent and deadly of all natural forces. In a short period of time, these massive explosions of the earths crust can shatter whole communities. Valcanoes are very distructive no matter how big or how small they erupt at. They cause the highest amount of deaths and the greatest amount of damage. Of the two major types of Volcanoes, andestic and basaltic, the two typical volcanoes begin life when a mass of low-density magma forces its way to the surface. When the density of the rising magma is the same as that of the surrounding rock, it gathers in a magma chamber. Any rise in pressure in the chamber may now push the magma upwards through cracks in the overlying rock. As the magma traveling up a crack approaches the surface, the pressure from the overlying rocks reduces; gases are released from the magma and expand so suddenly that an explosion rips open a funnel shaped vent (called a diatreme) to the surface. The lava that blasts out of the vent then cools, to form cinders, ash and dust - all referred to as "Tephra". A ring of tephra collects around the vent and, as the eruption subsides, this blocks up the diatreme. Volcanoes have erupted in many different places. Volcanoes have erupted in The Philippines, Java, Papua New Guinea Fire", located around the Pacific Ocean, is 20 or so places with active volcanoes in them joined by one big imaginary line that forms a circle (or "Ring") when scaled down to the Somewhere in the world an eruption occurs at least once a month. Whether it be big or small it doesnt really matter at all. If it kills 1 person or 1 000 people it is still counted as an eruption. In some countries volcanoes are common and erupt frequently as in Hawaii. But in other countries like Australia there are no eruptions at all. That could ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Florentine Renaissance Essays

The Florentine Renaissance Essays The Florentine Renaissance Essay The Florentine Renaissance Essay In Florence, and also in the surrounding cities, the Renaissance was a time of awakening and rebirth. A time of examining the present and looking towards a future that would turn out to seem entirely different from the past, but at the same time hold striking similarities. How was this possible? The transformations in Florence began with new attitudes and new priorities in the minds of her citizens. At the beginning of the period that we call the Renaissance, many cities may have seemed very much alike. Most had similar economic structures, architecture, and trades. But some cities in Italy, especially Florence, were different: The towns often had Roman origins, and to a degree survived the social disorder of the barbarian invasions of the earlier middle ages. Not only was physical infrastructure often in place, but also the glue which gave order to civic arrangements, in form of the hardy survival of Roman law. Each town had its myth of origin, which not surprisingly usually fea tured a picture of a Roman, in the case of Florence usually Julius Caesar of the emperor Augustus. (12).Florence had a very strong history that had obvious influence on daily life. Therefore, even while Renaissance ideas and art began to take over, the foundations of the city were never lost or forgotten. Rather, the old was incorporated into the new.Florence was steeped in her Roman origins and her Christianity, both playing to full effect when dressed in the rhetoric of cultural supremacy. (20). Florentines were proud of their roots and their contemporary culture, and they demonstrated this in sometimes chaotic ways. We also know that religion was what made the city turn. Florentines lives were focused around Christianity. Religion saturated Florentine life to an extent that few questioned. (32). This attitude of revolutionizing their culture while at the same time maintaining long-he

Sunday, November 3, 2019

India is similar (or not similar) to the Bodley profile of Tribal Essay

India is similar (or not similar) to the Bodley profile of Tribal Culture - Essay Example Yet certain characteristics of them all were common. For example, culture is always based on symbols which people hold in high esteem; a culture of a region is shared by the people living in that particular society; a culture is learned, that is, it is taught to everybody in the society; and lastly, culture is adaptive; in other words, as the world and times change, culture also evolves. When we speak of tribal culture we must remember that it varies greatly from place to place. Certain cultures in the Oceanic Islands (such as Fiji) would be cannibalistic, while tribal regions in India are staunch vegetarians. According to Bodley though, certain features are very much alike; for example, tribal cultures are predominantly agriculture based, with the natives producing their own food and not dependent on outside sources. By definition, a tribe generally consists of a few hundred people living together in settled villages. Their chief mode of gaining sustenance is farming (horticultural or pastorical) and hunting and their economy is simple and uncomplicated. People rely more on barter, gift swapping, and labor in exchange for goods, rather than on cash and credit. Hence comparatively, their monetary status is not as complicated as those living in more industrialized cultures. Neither, in fact, is their way of living. Tribal cultures are usually not as technologically dependent, relying mostly on simple tools for work. Their society is often divided into different lineages and ‘clans’ and most people can trace their descent to common ancestors. Every lineage and clan has a similar status in the tribe, with certain people (probably due to greater riches, or experience) are gifted with the title of ‘elders’ or ‘big men’. They are usually looked up to and have profound influence in most tribal decisions. India is one of the largest countries population-wise, and its growing industrialization is a credit to its present and

Friday, November 1, 2019

What does freedom of the press mean To what extent does it exist in Assignment

What does freedom of the press mean To what extent does it exist in modern Britain - Assignment Example On the corresponding side, we find that many countries have the ‘freedom of information laws’ or the ‘sunshine laws’ that while defining the scope and extent of the so called ‘national security /interest,’ also allows a citizen to take legal recourses, where he can appeal to get access to government protected information at a minimal charge. UK has implemented this freedom of Information Act 2000 s. 36 (The National Archives, Freedom of Information Act 2000), which gives freedom to its people to access certain parts of the protected information. In this article, I will examine the concept of freedom of press, and will study to find its relevance in modern day UK. Discussion The ‘right to express’ falls under the category of basic human rights and civil liberties, where the state is under obligation to provide for these fundamental rights to its citizens, under the International Convention of human rights, and also the European Conve ntion of human rights. ... Freedom of press is generally covered under the provisions freedom of speech or the right to express, where publications by the press receive the same legal protections as are given to any the other forms of publication, and oral speeches. Freedom of press is seen to be the core feature of democracy, while â€Å"censorship and other restrictions on the press are the hallmark of totalitarian and suppressive regimes† (Baldock, Manning and Vickerstaff, 2007, 100). However it is not always necessary that a government be openly suppressive or manipulative, in its control over the press. There are often more subtle and insidious means (as seen in UK) over controlling the press and blocking or limiting the available information, thus making reporting difficult on certain incidents (ibid). In this context we will now examine as to how the press operates in UK, and will explore to see whether it is really as Baldock, Manning and Vickerstaff claim that the UK government cuts down on the freedom of the press in a very subtle manner. The Human Rights Act (HRA) that was passed on 9th November 1998 by the UK government (made effective from 2nd October 2000), was aimed at giving more force to the rights, framed within the European Convention on Human Rights. The HRA, which provides for individual rights in UK, also gives the press freedom to express. Thus, from the government’s point of view, we find that there are indeed provisions made for the freedom of press in UK. However in the last few years it has been seen that the freedom of press has turned into a nightmare of sorts, for many of the celebrities and well known personalities in UK. This has led to speculations, both within the general public and the government, as to

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Operations Management in Stickley Furniture Company Essay

Operations Management in Stickley Furniture Company - Essay Example I think that the production process being shown by Stickley Furniture Company includes batch, job shop and repetitive processes. The Company does not have a continuous because of the type of products they produce. In case of continuous process, it needs an automated system where raw materials are continuously placed or fed to the packing stage. The best mode of production I would propose to be used by Stickley furniture is batch because crafts and machines used to manufacture different parts of the products are distinct. The top is made separately, artisans, sanders and painters play their parts during production. To a lesser extent, I may propose that a continuous production process of furniture be used. This is shown at the sawing stage a stage where a computerized sawing machine is applied. Meanwhile, a manual identification of knots is done by workers. Tracking job status of employees is very significant in the inventory control and customer service. In order to keep track of job status in the company, I think that the management has set up automated and manual processes which can be used as a means of tracking job status of furniture in the production line. As a means of identifying product location, there is product stamping for dates such as drawers and cabinet doors so that manufacturing dates can be easily obtained by interested people. Based on my thinking, I think that the best way to manage the company operation is to first comprehend the market needs to be followed by making available all required financial and human resources to ensure that production cycle is well managed. The Company has adopted a system of the relating size of production lots with the immediate market requirements or demands which I think is the best system to avoid dead stocks. Suppose the company has received such a big order, there are certain spec ific plans, schedules and process which must be set up as a direction to manufacturing quality oak dining tables on time.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Selection and Decision Making in Recruitment Essay Example for Free

Selection and Decision Making in Recruitment Essay For this assignment I am required to produce an information leaflet, for a newly appointed manager, which will describe how to plan for effective selection interviews in order to appoint the perfect individual/s for the job. My chosen organisation is Tesco who conduct different selection processes for different jobs; I will be concentrating on the floor manager of a Tesco store. Newly appointed floor managers for my chosen organisation Tesco will have to plan ahead, communicate effectively and make discuss selection and decision making. One of the main things the manager has to do before the selection process even starts is prior planning, below is what the manager has to do before the interview takes place: The manager of Tesco has to plan prior to the interview; he/she has to select the interview panel. The manager of Tesco can select a supervisor and executive manager for the panel as these people are already working within the store and the manager doesnt have to go and get other human resources from headquarters which waste valuable time. Having a interview panel is effective as it makes sure discrimination against the applicant/s doesnt happen and also the panel can check if the level of techniques such as communicational skills are used throughout all the interviews, it makes sure standards dont slip. Types of interview: The manager has to decide what sort of interview he/she will have to under take, considering in this case the manager is a Tescofloor manager he/she should only consider group interviews if employing staff on a large scale such as floor staff, (shelf stackers, costumer service assistance etc) this will save time as larger number of applicants are interviews quicker, however, having group interview means not all skills of an individual may be known to the manager but this does not matter as much as these applicants are only floor staff. Also one-to-one interviews should be considered because these interviews discover a lot about the applicant as it is only one person and not a group, a one-to-one interview is suitable for a higher ranking job such as assistant manager as more skills are required compared to a shelf stacker. Tescos do not need to  conduct any other types of interviews such as telephone interviews because it is not suitable for the job they advertise. The amount of stages in the interview has to be considered, for Tesco the manager has a choice between singular staged or multiple staged interviews, it is suitable to have a multiple staged interview which Tesco currently do than a one staged interview, more stages means the applicant goes through intense testing and interviews meaning he/she is more likely to be suitable for the job. Doing a singular staged interview doesnt find out all the skills of a person and the wrong person may be selected for the job and also that person may perform bad on that one interview, whereas, having more than one stage means the performance can be averaged which is more fair. However, the more stages in interviews the more time, so, the manager has to consider time as it will take more time for multiple staged interviews. Other selection methods will have to be considered, Tesco currently undertake Psychometric Tests which measure the sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality of the applicant, this should be undertaken by the floor manager of Tescos as most of the staff will need good personality, memory etc for their job as they will be working with costumers. There are also multiple choice questions which are a series of question and usually four possible answers where one answer is correct, this usually finds out the technical knowledge of the applicant of the job. Finally, the manager must consider during the planning equal opportunities, he/she will have to undertake measures to make sure each applicant is treated equally and not discriminated; having an interview panel solves this problem as there is more than one person conducting the interview and less chance of discriminations. Also, a tape recorder can be used so if the applicant protests to the way he/she was treated, the tape can be used as evidence. Communicational Skills The manager has to consider his/hers/interviewers communicational skills; this is a vital role in an interview as it can make the applicant reject the  job due to inappropriate language used. Firstly, the manager has to decide whether to use effective, ineffective or a combination of both questions because asking too many ineffective questions may bore the applicant, whereas, having too many effective questions may make the applicant feel uncomfortable, so, I would recommend to use a combination of both effective and ineffective question so the applicant is neither bored or uncomfortable throughout the interview. As the floor manager will be looking for certain skills from his potential employees, asking various types questions would be ideal to find out the skills, this is an indirect way of knowing the applicants skills and is another way to check the applicant is not lying about his/her skills, a direct way of finding out about the skills is to look at the applicants CV, ask previous employer and/or ask direct questions to the applicant. I would recommend the manager to use various types of questions, below is what the manager should use or tell the interviewer to use during the interview itself: Open questions These are questions without a particular answer and makes the applicant feel less under pressure as its an indirect question, an example of an open question is Why do you want the job? or How do you handle stress?, the advantage of using these types of questions is that it lets the interviewer know the creative side of the applicant and is a way not making the applicant uncomfortable. Closed questions These are basically yes or no questions. They are very direct and I wouldnt recommend the manager to make use of these very much as they make the applicant feel uncomfortable, however, they do find out the relevant information and an example of a closed question is Do you have a criminal record? or Can you work in a group?. Hypothetical/ Situational These are similar types of questions, these are used to see if you would do the right thing during a situations e.g. the interviewer may ask what would you do if you saw someone stealing? this would be an ideal question as this person would be working in Tescos were stealing is quite common and the applicants answer should be something like I would inform security instead of saying something like I would ignore it which would send the wrong message out to the interviewer. The manager has to consider how personal information such as criminal records could be checked; he/she could either directly ask the applicant during the interview, check the applicants CV before the interview and/or check with the criminal records bureau to confirm any spent convictions. The manager of Tescos will also have to make sure the interviewer or himself make use of good body language, this means using the right tone of voice and not being rude, this makes the applicant feel welcomed and feel he/she is an ideal environment rather than in an environment where he/she is under pressure. At the same time the manager has to make sure that the interviewer listens to the applicant, it is always important to ask the applicant if he/she has anything to say rather than ending the interview with a goodbye. Furthermore, the interview is about the applicant not the interviewer, so, the applicant should be speaking more than the interviewer, and about 80% of the interview should be the applicant speaking. Analysis and summarisation of information gathered in the interview is vital as it is needed during short listing candidates, there are several ways in which the interviewer can gather information, firstly via a tape recorder, and this does not waste the interviewers time as he/she doesnt have to write much down. Secondly, the interviewer her/himself can simply use a pen and paper to gather information during the interview, however, this is time consuming and all information may not be accurate and finally, there could be two interviewers, on asking questions and the other gathering and analysing information, this is a good idea as this system also makes sure discrimination doesnt take place.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Prospero’s Loss in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- Tempest essays

Prospero’s Loss in The Tempest       Shakespeare’s The Tempest is a play about loss - more specifically, Prospero’s loss. Prospero is a tragic hero, in a sense, because he makes the transition from having everything to having nothing. He loses his daughter. He brings his enemies under his power only to eventually lose control and release them. In the end, he gives up his influence on the world – including his incredible power over nature itself. The Tempest can be seen as a tragic play because of a few elements – Prospero is a dominant figure who must have revenge in return for the wrongs inflicted upon him, and, in his fury, he manages to destroy his enemies as well as his own humanity and his daughter’s future.    Prospero is shown to be somewhat of a dictator in The Tempest. He doesn’t speak to the other characters, instead he dictates â€Å"at† them. Rather than converse with his daughter Miranda, Prince Ferdinand, and Ariel, he tells them his thoughts with no intention of receiving a response. At the end of Act IV Prospero is caught up in the ecstasy of punishing and determining the fate of ... ... William Shakespeare. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958. xlii. Palmer, D. J. (Editor) The Tempest - A Selection of Critical Essays London: MacMillan Press Ltd., 1977. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans, et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. Solomon, Andrew. "A Reading of the Tempest." In Shakespeare's Late Plays. Ed. Richard C. Tobias and Paul G. Zolbrod. Athens: Ohio UP, 1974. 232. John Wilders' lecture on The Tempest given at Oxford University - Worcester College - August 4th, 1999. Prospero’s Loss in Shakespeare's The Tempest Essay -- Tempest essays Prospero’s Loss in The Tempest       Shakespeare’s The Tempest is a play about loss - more specifically, Prospero’s loss. Prospero is a tragic hero, in a sense, because he makes the transition from having everything to having nothing. He loses his daughter. He brings his enemies under his power only to eventually lose control and release them. In the end, he gives up his influence on the world – including his incredible power over nature itself. The Tempest can be seen as a tragic play because of a few elements – Prospero is a dominant figure who must have revenge in return for the wrongs inflicted upon him, and, in his fury, he manages to destroy his enemies as well as his own humanity and his daughter’s future.    Prospero is shown to be somewhat of a dictator in The Tempest. He doesn’t speak to the other characters, instead he dictates â€Å"at† them. Rather than converse with his daughter Miranda, Prince Ferdinand, and Ariel, he tells them his thoughts with no intention of receiving a response. At the end of Act IV Prospero is caught up in the ecstasy of punishing and determining the fate of ... ... William Shakespeare. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1958. xlii. Palmer, D. J. (Editor) The Tempest - A Selection of Critical Essays London: MacMillan Press Ltd., 1977. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans, et. al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. Solomon, Andrew. "A Reading of the Tempest." In Shakespeare's Late Plays. Ed. Richard C. Tobias and Paul G. Zolbrod. Athens: Ohio UP, 1974. 232. John Wilders' lecture on The Tempest given at Oxford University - Worcester College - August 4th, 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Carl Jung Theory Essay

Jung’s theory divides the psyche into three parts. The first is the ego, which Jung identifies with the conscious mind. Closely related is the personal unconscious, which includes anything that is not presently conscious, but can be. The personal unconscious is like most people’s understanding of the unconscious in that it includes both memories that are easily brought to mind and those that have been suppressed for some reason. But it does not include the instincts that Freud would have it include. But then Jung adds the part of the psyche that makes his theory stand out from all others: the collective unconscious. You could call it your â€Å"psychic inheritance. † It is the reservoir of our experiences as a species, a kind of knowledge we are all born with. And yet we can never be directly conscious of it. It influences all of our experiences and behaviors, most especially the emotional ones, but we only know about it indirectly, by looking at those influences. There are some experiences that show the effects of the collective unconscious more clearly than others: The experiences of love at first sight, of deja vu (the feeling that you’ve been here before), and the immediate recognition of certain symbols and the meanings of certain myths, could all be understood as the sudden conjunction of our outer reality and the inner reality of the collective unconscious. Grander examples are the creative experiences shared by artists and musicians all over the world and in all times, or the spiritual experiences of mystics of all religions, or the parallels in dreams, fantasies, mythologies, fairy tales, and literature. A nice example that has been greatly discussed recently is the near-death experience. It seems that many people, of many different cultural backgrounds, find that they have very similar recollections when they are brought back from a close encounter with death. They speak of leaving their bodies, seeing their bodies and the events surrounding them clearly, of being pulled through a long tunnel towards a bright light, of seeing deceased relatives or religious figures waiting for them, and of their disappointment at having to leave this happy scene to return to their bodies. Perhaps we are all â€Å"built† to experience death in this fashion. Archetypes The contents of the collective unconscious are called archetypes. Jung also called them dominants, imagos, mythological or primordial images, and a few other names, but archetypes seem to have won out over these. An archetype is an unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way. The archetype has no form of its own, but it acts as an â€Å"organizing principle† on the things we see or do. It works the way that instincts work in Freud’s theory: At first, the baby just wants something to eat, without knowing what it wants. It has a rather indefinite yearning, which, nevertheless, can be satisfied by some things and not by others. Later, with experience, the child begins to yearn for something more specific when it is hungry — a bottle, a cookie, a broiled lobster, a slice of New York style pizza. The archetype is like a black hole in space: You only know its there by how it draws matter and light to itself. The mother archetype The mother archetype is a particularly good example. All of our ancestors had mothers. We have evolved in an environment that included a mother or mother-substitute. We would never have survived without our connection with a nurturing-one during our times as helpless infants. It stands to reason that we are â€Å"built† in a way that reflects that evolutionary environment: We come into this world ready to want mother, to seek her, to recognize her, to deal with her. So the mother archetype is our built-in ability to recognize a certain relationship, that of â€Å"mothering. † Jung says that this is rather abstract, and we are likely to project the archetype out into the world and onto a particular person, usually our own mothers. Even when an archetype doesn’t have a particular real person available, we tend to personify the archetype, that is, turn it into a mythological â€Å"story-book† character. This character symbolizes the archetype. The mother archetype is symbolized by the primordial mother or â€Å"earth mother† of mythology, by Eve and Mary in western traditions, and by less personal symbols such as the church, the nation, a forest, or the ocean. According to Jung, someone whose own mother failed to satisfy the demands of the archetype may well be one that spends his or her life seeking comfort in the church, or in identification with â€Å"the motherland,† or in meditating upon the figure of Mary, or in a life at sea. Mana You must understand that these archetypes are not really biological things, like Freud’s instincts. They are more spiritual demands. For example, if you dreamt about long things, Freud might suggest these things represent the phallus and ultimately sex. But Jung might have a very different interpretation. Even dreaming quite specifically about a penis might not have much to do with some unfulfilled need for sex. It is curious that in primitive societies, phallic symbols do not usually refer to sex at all. They usually symbolize mana, or spiritual power. These symbols would be displayed on occasions when the spirits are being called upon to increase the yield of corn, or fish, or to heal someone. The connection between the penis and strength, between semen and seed, between fertilization and fertility are understood by most cultures. The shadow Sex and the life instincts in general are, of course, represented somewhere in Jung’s system. They are a part of an archetype called the shadow. It derives from our prehuman, animal past, when our concerns were limited to survival and reproduction, and when we weren’t self-conscious. It is the â€Å"dark side† of the ego, and the evil that we are capable of is often stored there. Actually, the shadow is amoral — neither good nor bad, just like animals. An animal is capable of tender care for its young and vicious killing for food, but it doesn’t choose to do either. It just does what it does. It is â€Å"innocent. † But from our human perspective, the animal world looks rather brutal, inhuman, so the shadow becomes something of a garbage can for the parts of ourselves that we can’t quite admit to. Symbols of the shadow include the snake (as in the garden of Eden), the dragon, monsters, and demons. It often guards the entrance to a cave or a pool of water, which is the collective unconscious. Next time you dream about wrestling with the devil, it may only be yourself you are wrestling with! The persona The persona represents your public image. The word is, obviously, related to the word person and personality, and comes from a Latin word for mask. So the persona is the mask you put on before you show yourself to the outside world. Although it begins as an archetype, by the time we are finished realizing it, it is the part of us most distant from the collective unconscious. At its best, it is just the â€Å"good impression† we all wish to present as we fill the roles society requires of us. But, of course, it can also be the â€Å"false impression† we use to manipulate people’s opinions and behaviors. And, at its worst, it can be mistaken, even by ourselves, for our true nature: Sometimes we believe we really are what we pretend to be! Anima and animus A part of our persona is the role of male or female we must play. For most people that role is determined by their physical gender. But Jung, like Freud and Adler and others, felt that we are all really bisexual in nature. When we begin our lives as fetuses, we have undifferentiated sex organs that only gradually, under the influence of hormones, become male or female. Likewise, when we begin our social lives as infants, we are neither male nor female in the social sense. Almost immediately — as soon as those pink or blue booties go on — we come under the influence of society, which gradually molds us into men and women. In all societies, the expectations placed on men and women differ, usually based on our different roles in reproduction, but often involving many details that are purely traditional. In our society today, we still have many remnants of these traditional expectations. Women are still expected to be more nurturant and less aggressive; men are still expected to be strong and to ignore the emotional side of life. But Jung felt these expectations meant that we had developed only half of our potential. The anima is the female aspect present in the collective unconscious of men, and the animus is the male aspect present in the collective unconscious of women. Together, they are referred to as syzygy. The anima may be personified as a young girl, very spontaneous and intuitive, or as a witch, or as the earth mother. It is likely to be associated with deep emotionality and the force of life itself. The animus may be personified as a wise old man, a sorcerer, or often a number of males, and tends to be logical, often rationalistic, and even argumentative. The anima or animus is the archetype through which you communicate with the collective unconscious generally, and it is important to get into touch with it. It is also the archetype that is responsible for much of our love life: We are, as an ancient Greek myth suggests, always looking for our other  half, the half that the Gods took from us, in members of the opposite sex. When we fall in love at first sight, then we have found someone that â€Å"fills† our anima or animus archetype particularly well! Other archetypes Jung said that there is no fixed number of archetypes that we could simply list and memorize. They overlap and easily melt into each other as needed, and their logic is not the usual kind. But here are some he mentions: Besides mother, their are other family archetypes. Obviously, there is father, who is often symbolized by a guide or an authority figure. There is also the archetype family, which represents the idea of blood relationship and ties that run deeper than those based on conscious reasons. There is also the child, represented in mythology and art by children, infants most especially, as well as other small creatures. The Christ child celebrated at Christmas is a manifestation of the child archetype, and represents the future, becoming, rebirth, and salvation. Curiously, Christmas falls during the winter solstice, which in northern primitive cultures also represents the future and rebirth. People used to light bonfires and perform ceremonies to encourage the sun’s return to them. The child archetype often blends with other archetypes to form the child-god, or the child-hero. Many archetypes are story characters. The hero is one of the main ones. He is the mana personality and the defeater of evil dragons. Basically, he represents the ego — we do tend to identify with the hero of the story — and is often engaged in fighting the shadow, in the form of dragons and other monsters. The hero is, however, often dumb as a post. He is, after all, ignorant of the ways of the collective unconscious. Luke Skywalker, in the Star Wars films, is the perfect example of a hero. The hero is often out to rescue the maiden. She represents purity, innocence, and, in all likelihood, naivete. In the beginning of the Star Wars story, Princess Leia is the maiden. But, as the story progresses, she becomes the anima, discovering the powers of the force — the collective unconscious — and becoming an equal partner with Luke, who turns out to be her brother. The wise old man guides the hero. He is a form of the animus, and reveals to the hero the nature of the collective unconscious. In Star Wars, he is played by Obi Wan Kenobi and, later, Yoda. Notice that they teach Luke about the force and, as Luke matures, they die and become a part of him. You might be curious as to the archetype represented by Darth Vader, the â€Å"dark father. † He is the shadow and the master of the dark side of the force. He also turns out to be Luke and Leia’s father. When he dies, he becomes one of the wise old men. There is also an animal archetype, representing humanity’s relationships with the animal world. The hero’s faithful horse would be an example. Snakes are often symbolic of the animal archetype, and are thought to be particularly wise. Animals, after all, are more in touch with their natures than we are. Perhaps loyal little robots and reliable old spaceships — the Falcon– are also symbols of animal. And there is the trickster, often represented by a clown or a magician. The trickster’s role is to hamper the hero’s progress and to generally make trouble. In Norse mythology, many of the gods’ adventures originate in some trick or another played on their majesties by the half-god Loki. There are other archetypes that are a little more difficult to talk about. One is the original man, represented in western religion by Adam. Another is the God archetype, representing our need to comprehend the universe, to give a meaning to all that happens, to see it all as having some purpose and direction. The hermaphrodite, both male and female, represents the union of opposites, an important idea in Jung’s theory. In some religious art, Jesus is presented as a rather feminine man. Likewise, in China, the character Kuan Yin began as a male saint (the bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara), but was portrayed in such a feminine manner that he is more often thought of as the female goddess of compassion! The most important archetype of all is the self. The self is the ultimate unity of the personality and is symbolized by the circle, the cross, and the mandala figures that Jung was fond of painting. A mandala is a drawing that is used in meditation because it tends to draw your focus back to the center, and it can be as simple as a geometric figure or as complicated as a stained glass window. The personifications that best represent self are Christ and Buddha, two people who many believe achieved perfection. But Jung felt that perfection of the personality is only truly achieved in death.